Related Article : Exposé - Hindu Infiltration of Sikh Institutions at the Highest Levels
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PRERNA 2006 : Chaman Lal Exposed
Pictures evidencing intermixing of Hindu devtas and symbols in presence of Guru Granth Sahib Ji, while attendees sit on chairs in front of Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
PRERNA 2007 : Jathedars Exposed
Jathedar Vedanti, Jathedar Tarlochan Singh, and Giani Gurbachan Singh visit pro-RSS function, receive Hindu souvenirs, while attendees sit on chairs in front of Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
Ravidas Mandir : Head Granthi Giani Gurbachan Singh Exposed
Sri Darbar Sahib Head Granthi Giani Gurbachan Singh visit Ravidas Mandir at function organized by Chaman Lal and Sanatan Hindu Sants.
Chaman Lal : Worshipped at Mandir, Home Photos
Chaman Lal woshipped by followers along with pictures of Sikh Gurus at Jeejal Ram Temple in Ajadpur, Delhi. Pictures of Chaman Lal performing other manmat infront of Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
Chaman Lal video in which his is giving taveets (talisman) and puchaan at his Mandir. Followers line up to get his blessings.
these are all dhian singh dogras all these problems will only be sorted when we have our khalsa raj and khalsa fbi with mordern techonoly now all these traitors will not escape which have been going on since 1849
I find this very wrong, and something needs to be done about it. There is recently a new sikh channel on SKY TV, SIKH TV. I have seen Chaman Lal on this channel doing Kirtan.
A lot of people in my community are not aware of RSS, therefore we need to send the message out to all Gurdwaras. If people continue to watch him on SIKH TV then they will believe it is true.