Washington D.C. - The Canadian-Sikhs and Canadian-Kashmiris jointly held a colorful and noisy public demonstration, last Saturday, in Toronto Canada, against the presence of India’s ‘poster-boy’ Prime Minister’, Manmohan Singh who had come to that Canadian city to attend the G20 Summit. The protesters – all proud and patriotic Canadians - demanded the right of self determination, as laid down in the United Nation’s charter, for the inhabitants of their former homelands in Punjab and Kashmir currently under Indian occupation. These two territories have been captive in the Indian ‘map’ since August 1947, when Imperial Britain quit South Asia in haste, and an evil nexus of the Brahmin and Bania Hindu castes (which controlled the Congress party) took hold of the coercive instruments of state power from the departing Colonial British to brow beat the minority ‘nations’ like Khalistan, Kashmir and Nagaland.
The Sikh and Kashmiri demonstrators who gathered in Ottawa, on Saturday 26 June, 2010, despite the dezinformatsiya that demonstration by the Sikh-Canadian community have been cancelled (rumor circulated by numerous agents-provocateurs working for Indian intelligence, RAW, stationed in Indian Consulates in Canada so as not to embarrass India’s Sikh Prime minister) in fact demanded, with black flags in their hands, that Dr. Manmohan Singh go back to India. ‘Hey hey! Ho ho! Manmohan Singh go back to India!’ – was one of the many chants which was also displayed on colorful placards carried by hundreds of Sikhs and Kashmiris. Some protestors trampled the Indian flag under foot. Here is a link to a Youtube site which shows the Ottawa demonstration. The Sikh- Canadian (LINK) demonstrators were particularly outraged by a recent interview given by Indian Prime minister Manmohan Singh, a turbaned Sikh to boot, to a Toronto-based newspaper, THE STAR during which he had the temerity to pass aspersions on Canada’s nearly million strong peaceful and vibrant Sikh community domiciled in Canada – all migrants/ refugees from the South Asian subcontinent -who have prospered as new Canadians, in safety, under the umbrella of a democratic Canada, unlike squalidly neo-fascist India, where the life and limb (and property) of a Sikh (and other minorities) IS, and has NOT been safe.
The above mentioned interview was given by Indian Prime minister Manmohan Singh, (LINK) in his British built palatial residence in New Delhi, on Tuesday June 22, 2010 (and published in The Star, a Toronto-based newspaper, on Saturday, June 26) to a Canadian journalist of South Asian background, one Haroon Siddiqui, the Editorial page editor of that newspaper. During that marathon one on one interview session in New Delhi PM Manmohan Singh took liberty with the truth, as is his wont, whenever he discusses matters Sikh with non Sikhs to trumpet his so-called integrity and impartiality.
During the above mentioned June 22 interview Canadian journalist Haroon Siddiqui asked (and he is being quoted verbatim here) India’s Sikh Prime minister, Manmohan Singh the following question: “This being a different era and a different generation of Sikhs, how seriously India perceives the problem of Sikh extremism to be in Canada at this time? Manmohan Singh’s reply (which is also quoted verbatim here) is as follows: “Sikh extremism, separatism and militancy were a problem in India more than two decades ago. Today, Punjab is at peace and there is growth and prosperity. There are, however, some elements outside India, including in Canada, who try to keep this issue alive for their own purposes. In many cases, such elements have links to or are themselves wedded to terrorism. Their activities are a reason for both governments — in India and in Canada — to be concerned. We have sensitized the Canadian authorities in this matter. We have been pointing out that Sikh extremism in Canada, which has no support in India, is not good for Canada. We feel that vigilance and close co-operation between both governments on the issue is necessary.” Some SIKH Prime minister of India who demonizes his own coreligionist Sikhs of Canada to please his Brahmin mentors!
Readers ought to note the dishonesty and lack of integrity displayed by PM Manmohan Singh, in his reply, when Haroon Siddiqui, the Canadian journalist conducting (LINK) the above mentioned interview, asked (and we quote verbatim) the following question:-“Some Canadian Sikhs may glorify the ‘martyrs’ of the lost Khalistan separatist cause in the Punjab. But the majority remains estranged from India over India’s failure to bring to justice the perpetrators of the 1984 mob attacks on innocent Sikhs in New Delhi in the aftermath of Mrs. Gandhi’s assassination by her Sikh bodyguards”? Dr. Manmohan Singh’s response to the above question (also being quoted verbatim) is as follows: “It is not correct to say that India has failed to bring the perpetrators of the 1984 attacks on Sikhs in New Delhi to justice. A judicial commission was set up to look into these attacks. Recently, one of the cases was heard in the Delhi Sessions Court on the basis of the charges framed by the Central Bureau of Investigation.” Enough said! Some integrity! It is evident that Indian Prime minister Dr. Manmohan Singh is some congenital liar when he spreads such lies!
At the G20 Summit in Ottawa last week, ‘Prime Minister’ Manmohan Singh - to India’s eternal shame - was the ONLY ‘appointed’ Prime minister among the Prime Ministers attending the G20 Summit ALL of whom had been elected by the people in a fair election NOT appointed by a dowager, a la Manmohan Singh. India’s Prime minister Manmohan Singh, (who has never been able to make it to any elected office in his life and was defeated at the polls when he tried once) was appointed by the ‘dowager’ Congress party President’ Ms. Edvige Antonia Albina Maino alias Mrs. Sonia Gandhi. Dowager Ms. Edvige Antonia Albina Maino alias Sonia Gandhi is the wife of that infamous mass murderer, the late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, who with a ‘wink and a nod’ on 31 October, 1984, ordered a state-sponsored and supervised anti-Sikh pogrom (read mass murder) which resulted in the brutal killing of over ten thousand innocent Sikh men, women and children in the first three days of November, 1984. The November 1984 anti-Sikh pogrom (as well as the February 2002 anti-Muslim Gujerat pogrom and many other killings of Christian, Dalit and Tribal minorities in India) has proved over the years that the world’s so-called largest ‘democracy’ – India – practices state terrorism and is indeed the world’s largest dynastic, neo-fascist, caste-ridden, demoNcracy, where a small evil Brahmin/Bania minority rules the unwashed hungry majority, numbering over eight hundred million miserable souls.
In a strange coincidence the London-based ECONOMIST, one of the world’s most prestigious weekly news magazine, in its issue of July 2, 2010, in a full page article, headlined, “Banyan/The mysterious Mr. Gandhi: Though no spring chicken, Rahul Gandhi has a lot to prove before he takes over the family business,” has ridiculed India’s sham democracy. (LINK) The Economist article says that, “Today Congress (the ruling party) stands ready to do the family’s bidding, like a well upholstered Ambassador car always at the front door. A second even more impressive vehicle, known simply as India boasts wheels of state, and its chauffeur is respectfully called ‘Prime minister’….A second troubling point has to do with all the references to Rahul’s youthful age. Forty, after all, is not really that young. By then a man might be expected to have made his mark in the world, rather then be celebrating his coming of age. By the time they were Rahul’s age, Mozart and Alexander the Great had both been dead for several years. At 33 Jesus Christ had preached, healed, died and risen. The comparison is not wholly unfair, since Rahul’s disciples talk of him as India’s savior”.
Indian Prime minister Manmohan Singh some liar! Rahul Maino Gandhi some ‘savior’ of India which entity Mr. Winston Churchill correctly described, many years ago, is as much a country as the Equator!
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